Wednesday, March 4, 2015

Adding to Lent

February 18, 2015

I have decided to add to my life rather than take away, as a part of my spiritual practices during Lent. One of the things I am adding is to create a small ink and watercolor drawing each day and to reflect on why the work came to me. The drawings are not intended to be exhibition pieces but rather meditative, spiritual-practice responses.

The piece for today was inspired by the spaces created by overlapping bare limbs of winter trees. These spaced are sacred spaces. As I drew, there were questions regarding art, spirituality, religion, and life in general, all popping up, creating blurred lines of speculation.

Could it be that the lines should be blurred to allow for new insights? Maybe the lines are meant to become clear, with focused, life-directing clarity. Today I do not know. Yet, I can sit with the spaces and listen.

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