Friday, July 11, 2014

Seeking the Sacred Earth - Spending the Day with Gene

Here are the photographs of a day I spent with my husband. Gene is a farmer and as connected to the earth as anyone I know. He teaches me of the sacredness all around us. While I was with him, we headed to the fields to pick up two-ton trucks filled with wheat. The wheat was then stored in grain bins to await delivery to the grain market. The experience touched my soul. The beauty of earth, sun and wind surrounded us throughout the day. Beauty showed up in unexpected places. . .

Patterns created by dirt, hands, shoes and randomness
Music of clinks, bangs, hums, chokity, choke, rattle, rattle, clink
Honey bees, crickets and birds
Ever changing shadow of the town's water tower
Reaching across fields and out of the limits of our dwelling place
Scenes rushing by like an old "timey" movie projector
Dancing vibrations of the truck accompanied by the whirling plum of dust in the field
Walking across fields of wheat straw stubble
My hair falling down as I pulled out the hair pens
Allowing protection from the sun on the back of my neck
Conversations between two souls who love each other and the gifts of this earth
Spider webs not visible until they glowed in the late afternoon sun
What was not seen is now seen
Pouring gold from fields of grain brings to mind "Fields of Gold" by Sting
Sweep, sweep, the grain falls into darkness
There are poems to be written
And paintings to be born

The sacred can be found all around us. Praise be to God the Creator.  Amen.